Interface BiometricConfig

interface BiometricConfig {
    authenticationValidityDuration?: number;
    authenticators?: BiometricAuthenticator[];
    description?: string;
    negativeButtonText?: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    title?: string;


authenticationValidityDuration?: number

The duration in seconds for which this key is authorized to be used after the user is successfully authenticated or -1 if user authentication is required every time the key is accessed.

If value is greater or equal to 0, then key won't be invalidated by biometric enrollment.

Note: This option is only applicable when the key is set for the first time. To change this option, delete and set the key again with the updated config.

authenticators?: BiometricAuthenticator[]

The list of allowed authenticators.

description?: string

The description label of the authentication popup.

negativeButtonText?: string

The label on the button that aborts the authentication.

subtitle?: string

The subtitle of the authentication popup.

title?: string

The title of the authentication popup.