Interface FileAttributes

Attributes associated with a file in a file system.

interface FileAttributes {
    creationTime: number;
    isDirectory: boolean;
    isFile: boolean;
    isOther: boolean;
    isSymbolicLink: boolean;
    lastAccessTime: number;
    lastModifiedTime: number;
    size: number;


creationTime: number

The creation time. The creation time is the time that the file was created.

isDirectory: boolean

Tells whether the file is a directory.

isFile: boolean

Tells whether the file is a regular file with opaque content.

isOther: boolean

Tells whether the file is something other than a regular file, directory, or symbolic link.

isSymbolicLink: boolean

Tells whether the file is a symbolic link.

lastAccessTime: number

The time of last access.

lastModifiedTime: number

The time of last modification.

size: number

The size of the file (in bytes).

The size may differ from the actual size on the file system due to compression, support for sparse files, or other reasons. The size of files that are not regular files is implementation specific and therefore unspecified.