Interface Intent

The intent that can be passed from and to web application.

interface Intent {
    action?: string;
    categories?: null | string[];
    data?: null | string;
    extras?: null | {
        [key: string]: any;
    flags?: number;
    selector?: null | Intent;
    type?: null | string;


action?: string

The general action to be performed, such as Intent.ACTION_VIEW.

categories?: null | string[]

The array of intent categories.

data?: null | string

The URI-encoded data that intent is operating on.

extras?: null | {
    [key: string]: any;

A map of extended data from the intent.

flags?: number

Special flags associated with this intent, such as Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK.

selector?: null | Intent

A selector for this intent.

type?: null | string

The explicit MIME type included in the intent.