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tokenizer-dsl 🪵 build

The API for building streaming tokenizers and lexers.

npm install --save-prod tokenizer-dsl


Let's consider the input string that contains lowercase-alpha strings and floating-point numbers, separated by a semicolon and an arbitrary number of space characters:

'123.456; aaa; +777; bbb; -42'

To tokenize this string we first need to describe readers that would read chars from the input string.

The reader for semicolons is pretty straightforward:

import {all, char, text} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

const semicolonReader = text(';');

To read a sequence of whitespaces or lowercase-alpha string we would use the combination of all and char readers:

import {all, char} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

const whitespaceReader = all(char([' \t\n\r']));

const alphaReader = all(char([['a', 'z']]), {minimumCount: 1});

The RegExp equivalent for whitespaceReader if /[ \t\n\r]*/y, and for alphaReader it is /[a-z]+/y.

To read a signed floating-point number we need a combination of multiple readers:

import {all, char, maybe, or, seq, text} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

const zeroReader = text('0');

const leadingDigitReader = char([['1', '9']]);

const digitsReader = all(char([['0', '9']]));

const dotReader = text('.');

const signReader = char(['+-']);

const numberReader = seq(
// sign

// integer

// fraction

This reader works the same way as /[-+]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?/y.

Now, after we defined all required readers, we can declare tokenization rules:

import {Rule} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

const semicolonRule: Rule = {
type: 'SEMICOLON',
reader: semicolonReader,

const whitespaceReader: Rule = {
reader: semicolonReader,

const alphaRule: Rule = {
type: 'ALPHA',
reader: alphaReader,

const numberRule: Rule = {
type: 'NUMBER',
reader: numberReader,

type is the arbitrary name of the token that the rule would read from the input string. type can be a string, a number, an object, or any other data type.

reader is the reader that actually reads the chars from the string.

The next step is to create a tokenizer that uses our rules:

const tokenize = createTokenizer([

createTokenizer would compile a highly efficient function that applies rules to read chars from the input string.

As the last step, we should call a tokenizer and provide it an input and a token handler:

import {TokenHandler} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

const handler: TokenHandler = (type, input, offset, length, context, state) => {
console.log(type, input.substr(offset, length));

tokenize('123.456; aaa; +777; bbb; -42', handler);

The console output would be:

NUMBER 123.456

Built-in readers

text(string, options?)

Reads the case-sensitive substring from the input:

// Reads 'foo'

You can optionally specify that text must be case-insensitive:

// Reads 'bar', 'BAR', 'Bar', etc.
text('bar', {caseInsensitive: true});


Reads a single char from the string. You should provide an array of strings, char codes or char ranges.

// Reads 'a', 'b', or 'c'
char(['a', 98, 99]);

You can specify a set of characters as a string with multiple characters:

// Reads ' ', '\t', '\r', or '\n'
char([' \t\r\n']);

You can specify a pair of char codes or strings that denote a char range:

// Reads [a-zA-Z]
char([['a', 'z'], [65, 90]]);


Reads substring using the RegExp pattern:

// Reads '0', '123', etc.

If you don't specify g or y flags on the RegExp, then y is implicitly added.

all(reader, options?)

Applies reader until it can read from the input:

// Reads 'abc' from 'abc123'
all(char([['a', 'z']]));

You can optionally specify the number of entries the reader must read to consider success:

// Reads at least one digit, but not more than 10
all(char([['0', '9']]), {minimumCount: 1, maximumCount: 10});


Applies readers one after another sequentially:

// Reads PK-XXXXX where X is 0-9
all(char([['0', '9']]), {minimumCount: 5, maximumCount: 5})


Returns the offset returned by the first successfully applied reader:

// Reads 'foo' or 'bar'


Skips the given number of chars without reading:

// Skips 5 chars 

until(reader, options?)

Repeatedly applies reader until it successfully reads chars from the string. If reader failed to read chars then returns -1.

// Reads everything until 'foo' exclusively

You can make until to read inclusively:

// Reads everything until 'bar' inclusvely
until(text('bar'), {inclusive: true});

For example, to read all chars up to '>' or until the end of the input:

until(text('>'), {inclusive: true}),


Skips all chars until the end of the input. You can optionally provide the offset from the input end.



This is the same as lookahead from the regular expressions. It returns the current offset if reader successfully reads chars from the input at current offset.

// Reads '<' in '<a'
lookahead(char([['a', 'z']]))


Returns the current offset if the reader failed to read chars:

// Reads 'foo-bar' and 'bar'


The singleton reader that always returns -1.


The singleton reader that always returns the current offset.

Functional readers

A reader can be defined as a function that takes an input string, an offset at which it should start reading, and a context. Learn more about the context in the Context section.

A reader should return the new offset that is greater or equal to offset if the reader has successfully read from the input, or an integer less than offset to indicate that nothing was read.

Let's create a custom reader:

import {Reader} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

const fooReader: Reader = (input, offset) => {
return input.startsWith('foo', offset) ? offset + 3 : -1;

This reader checks that the input string contains a substring 'foo' at the offset and returns the new offset where the substring ends. Or returns -1 to indicate that the reading didn't succeed.

We can combine fooReader with any built-in reader. For example, to read chars until 'foo' is met:

import {until} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

// Reads until 'foo' substring is met

Code-generated readers

Code generation is used to compile highly performant readers. To leverage this feature, you can define your custom readers as a code factories.

Let's recreate the reader from the previous section with the codegen approach:

import {Reader} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

const fooReader: Reader = {

factory(inputVar, offsetVar, contextVar, resultVar) {
return {
code: [
resultVar, '=', inputVar, '.startsWith("foo",', offsetVar, ')?', offsetVar, '+3:-1;',

The factory function receives four input arguments that define the variables that should be used in the output code template:

  • inputVar is the variable that holds the input string.
  • offsetVar is the variable that holds the offset in the input string from which the reader must be applied.
  • contextVar is the variable that holds the reader context. Learn more about the context in the Context section.
  • resultVar is the variable to which the reader result must be assigned.

The factory function should return an object containing a code property that holds the code template and an optional bindings property that holds the variable bindings.

To demonstrate how to use bindings, let's enhance our reader to support arbitrary strings:

import {Reader} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

function substring(str: string): Reader {
return {

factory(inputVar, offsetVar, contextVar, resultVar) {

// Create a variable placeholder
const strVar = Symbol();

return {
code: [
resultVar, '=', inputVar, '.startsWith(', strVar, ',', offsetVar, ')?', offsetVar, '+', str.length, ':-1;',
bindings: [
// This would assign str to a strVar at runtime
[strVar, str]

We can combine substring with any built-in reader. For example, to read all sequential substrings in the input:

import {all} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

// Reads consequent 'foo' substrings

You can introduce custom variables inside a code template. Here is an example of a reader that reads zero-or-more lower alpha chars from the string using a for loop:

import {Reader} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

const lowerAlphaReader: Reader = {

factory(inputVar, offsetVar, contextVar, resultVar) {

// Create a variable placeholders
const indexVar = Symbol();
const charCodeVar = Symbol();

return {
code: [

// Start reading from the offset
'var ', indexVar, '=', offsetVar, ';',

// Read until end of the input
'while(', indexVar, '<', inputVar, '.length){',

// Read the char code from the input
'var ', charCodeVar, '=', inputVar, '.charCodeAt(', indexVar, ');',

// Abort the loop if the char code isn't a lower alpha
'if(', charCodeVar, '<', 'a'.charCodeAt(0), '||', charCodeVar, '>', 'z'.charCodeAt(0), ')',

// Otherwise, proceed to the next char
'++', indexVar,

// Return the index that was reached
resultVar, '=', indexVar, ';',

You can find out more details on how codegen works in the codedegen repo.


Rules define how tokens are emitted when successfully read from the input by readers.

The most basic rule only defines a reader:

import {Rule} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

const fooRule: Rule = {
reader: text('foo')

To use a rule, create a new tokenizer:

const tokenize = createTokenizer([fooRule]);

Now you can read inputs that consist of any number of 'foo' substrings:

tokenize('foofoofoo', (type, input, offset, length, context) => {
// Process the token here

Most of the time you have more than one token type in your input. Here the type property of the rule comes handy. The value of this property would be passed to the token callback of the handler.

import {Rule} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

type MyTokenType = 'FOO' | 'BAR';

// You can specify token types to enhance typing
const fooRule: Rule<MyTokenType> = {
type: 'FOO',
reader: text('foo')

const barRule: Rule<MyTokenType> = {
type: 'BAR',
reader: text('bar')

const tokenize = createTokenizer([

tokenize('foofoobarfoobar', (type, input, offset, length, context) => {
switch (type) {

case 'FOO':
// Process the FOO token here

case 'BAR':
// Process the BAR token here

Rule stages

You can put rules on different stages to control how they are applied.

In the previous example we created a tokenizer that reads 'foo' and 'bar' in any order. Let's create a tokenizer that restricts an order in which 'foo' and 'bar' should be met.

import {Rule} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

type MyTokenType = 'FOO' | 'BAR';

type MyStage = 'start' | 'foo' | 'bar';

const fooRule: Rule<MyTokenType, MyStage> = {

// Rule would be applied on stages 'start' and 'bar'
on: ['start', 'bar'],
type: 'FOO',
reader: text('foo'),

// If rule is successfully applied then tokenizer would
// transition to the 'foo' stage
to: 'foo'

const barRule: Rule<MyTokenType, MyStage> = {
on: ['start', 'foo'],
type: 'BAR',
reader: text('bar'),
to: 'bar'

const tokenize = createTokenizer(

// Provide the initial stage

This tokenizer would successfully process 'foobarfoobar' but would stop on 'foofoo'.

Rules that don't have on option specified are applied on all stages. To showcase this behavior, let's modify our rules to allow 'foo' and 'bar' to be separated with arbitrary number of space characters.

type MyTokenType = 'FOO' | 'BAR' | 'SPACE';

type MyStage = 'start' | 'foo' | 'bar';

const fooRule: Rule<MyTokenType, MyStage> = {
on: ['start', 'bar'],
type: 'FOO',
reader: text('foo'),
to: 'foo'

const barRule: Rule<MyTokenType, MyStage> = {
on: ['start', 'foo'],
type: 'BAR',
reader: text('bar'),
to: 'bar'

// Rule would be applied on all stages: 'start', 'foo', and 'bar'
const spaceReader: Rule<MyTokenType, MyStage> = {
type: 'SPACE',
reader: all(char([' '])),

const tokenize = createTokenizer(

This tokenizer would successfully process ' foo bar foo bar ' input.

You can provide a callback that returns the next stage:

const barRule: Rule<MyTokenType, MyStage> = {
on: ['start', 'foo'],
type: 'BAR',
reader: text('bar'),

to(offset, length, context, state) {
// Return the next stage
return 'bar';

Silent rules

Some tokens don't have any semantics that you want to process. In this case, you can mark rule as silent to prevent token from being emitted.

const whitespaceRule: Rule = {
reader: all(char([' \t\r\n'])),
silent: true


Compiled tokenizer supports streaming out of the box. Let's refer to the tokenizer that we defined in the Usage chapter:

const tokenize = createTokenizer([

We used this tokenizer in a non-streaming fashion:

tokenizer('123.456; aaa; +777; bbb; -42', handler);

If the input string comes in chunks we can use a streaming API of the tokenizer:

import {TokenizerState} from 'tokeinzer-dsl';

const state = tokenizer.write('123.456', handler);
tokenizer.write('; aaa; +77', handler, state);
tokenizer.write('7; bbb; -42', handler, state);
tokenizer.end(handler, state);

tokenizer.write accepts a mutable state object that is updated as tokenization progresses. You can inspect state to know the stage and offset at which the tokenizer finished reading tokens.

Streaming tokenizer emits tokens that are confirmed. The token is confirmed after the consequent token is successfully read or after the tokenizer.end is called.


Custom readers may require a custom state. You can provide the context to the tokenizer, and it would pass it to all readers as a third argument:

import {createTokenizer, Reader} from 'tokenizer-dsl';

// Define a reader that uses a context
const fooReader: Reader<{ bar: number }> = (input, offset, context) => {
return -1;

// Compile a tokenizer
const tokenizer = createTokenizer([
{reader: fooReader}

// Pass the context value
tokenizer('foobar', handler, {bar: 123});


To run a performance test, clone this repo and run npm ci && npm run perf in the project directory.

The table below shows performance comparison between tokenizer-dsl readers and RegExp alternatives.

Results are in millions of operations per second. The higher number is better.

tokenizer-dsl RegExp
Usage example 5.3 2.5
char(['abc']) 88.8 58.5 /[abc]/y
char([['a', 'z']]) 88.1 58.4 /[a-z]/y
all(char(['abc'])) 39.7 50.0 /[abc]*/y
all(char(['abc']), {minimumCount: 2}) 67.1 50.2 /[abc]{2,}/y
all(text('abc')) 43.0 50.2 /(?:abc)*/y
or(text('abc'), text('123')) 67.3 57.1 /abc|123/y
seq(text('abc'), text('123')) 58.8 54.2 /abc123/y
text('abc') 72.8 57.1 /abc/y
text('abc', {caseInsensitive: true}) 71.1 55.0 /abc/iy
until(char(['abc'])) 51.5 48.6 /[abc]/g
until(text('abc')) 51.0 33.0 /(?=abc)/g
until(text('abc'), {inclusive: true}) 51.9 48.8 /abc/g

Tokenizer performance comes from following implementation aspects:

  • Reader combination optimizations. For example until(text('abc')) would read case-sensitive characters from the sting until substring 'abc' is met. An analog of this is /(?=abc)/. Tokenizer uses input.indexOf('abc') for the substring search, which is 2× faster than using a regular expression.

  • All readers (except regex) rely solely on String.prototype.charCodeAt and String.prototype.indexOf methods. This dramatically reduces memory allocations, since no strings or other objects are created on heap.

  • Tokenizer compiles provided rules into a single function. No call stack overhead.

  • Rules that share the same prefix sequence of readers, read this prefix from the input only once. So chars in the input are accessed less frequently.

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