Interface Issue

A validation issue raised during input parsing.


  • Issue


code?: any

A code of the validation issue, which uniquely identifies the reason of an issue.

For all built-in shape operations, a code can be used to infer the type of the Issue.param.

input?: any

The input value that caused a validation issue. Note that if coercion or alteration were applied then this contains a transformed value.

message?: any

The human-readable issue message.

Messages produced by built-in operations are strings but custom messages can have an arbitrary type.

meta?: any

The optional metadata associated with the issue.

param?: any

The parameter value associated with the issue.

path?: any[]

An object path to Issue.input value starting from the parsed object. Both an empty array and undefined mean that an issue is caused by the Issue.input value itself.


['users', 0, 'age']
