Interface Executor<Value>

Manages the async task execution process and provides ways to access execution results, abort or replace a task execution, and subscribe to an execution state changes.

interface Executor<Value> {
    annotations: ExecutorAnnotations;
    invalidatedAt: number;
    isActive: boolean;
    isFulfilled: boolean;
    isInvalidated: boolean;
    isPending: boolean;
    isRejected: boolean;
    isSettled: boolean;
    key: any;
    manager: ExecutorManager;
    reason: any;
    settledAt: number;
    task: null | ExecutorTask<Value>;
    value: undefined | Value;
    version: number;
    abort(reason?): void;
    activate(): (() => void);
    annotate(patch): void;
    clear(): void;
    execute(task): AbortablePromise<Value>;
    get(): Value;
    getOrAwait(): AbortablePromise<Value>;
    getOrDefault<DefaultValue>(defaultValue): Value | DefaultValue;
    invalidate(invalidatedAt?): void;
    publish<Payload>(eventType, payload?): void;
    reject(reason, settledAt?): void;
    resolve(value, settledAt?): void;
    retry(): void;
    subscribe(listener): (() => void);
    toJSON(): ExecutorState<Value>;

Type Parameters

  • Value = any

    The value stored by the executor.

Hierarchy (view full)


annotations: ExecutorAnnotations

The map of annotations associated with the executor.

invalidatedAt: number

The timestamp when the executor was invalidated, or 0 if the executor isn't invalidated.

isActive: boolean

true if the executor was activated more times then deactivated.

isFulfilled: boolean

true if the executor was fulfilled with a value, or false otherwise.

isInvalidated: boolean

true if invalidate was called on a settled executor and a new settlement hasn't occurred yet.

isPending: boolean

true if the execution is currently pending, or false otherwise.

isRejected: boolean

true if the executor was rejected with a reason, or false otherwise.

isSettled: boolean

true if the executor is fulfilled or rejected, or false otherwise.

key: any

The key of this executor, unique in scope of the Executor.manager.

The manager that created the executor.

reason: any

The reason of the latest failure.

settledAt: number

The timestamp when the executor was settled, or 0 if it isn't settled.

task: null | ExecutorTask<Value>

The latest task that was executed, or null if the executor didn't execute any tasks.

value: undefined | Value

The value of the latest fulfillment.

version: number

The integer version of the state of this executor that is incremented every time the executor is mutated.


  • Instantly aborts pending execution and preserves available results as is. Value (or error) returned from pending task callback is ignored. The signal passed to the executed task callback is aborted.


    • Optional reason: unknown

      The abort reason that is used for rejection of the pending task promise.

    Returns void

  • Marks the executor as being actively monitored by an external consumer.

    Activated executor stays active until all returned deactivate callbacks are invoked.

    Returns (() => void)

    The callback that deactivates the executor if there are no more active consumers.

      • (): void
      • Returns void

  • Clears available results and doesn't affect the pending task execution.

    The latest task can still be retried after the executor is cleared.

    Returns void

  • Executes a task and populates the executor with the returned result.

    Instantly aborts pending execution (if any), marks the executor as pending and then invokes the task callback.

    If a new task is executed before the returned promise is fulfilled then the signal is aborted and the result is ignored.


    • task: ExecutorTask<Value>

      The task callback that returns the new result for the executor to store.

    Returns AbortablePromise<Value>

    The promise that is resolved with the result of the task.

  • If the executor is settled the result is masted as invalidated.


    • Optional invalidatedAt: number

      The timestamp when the executor result was invalidated.

    Returns void

  • Publishes the event for subscribers of the executor and its manager.

    Type Parameters

    • Payload

      The payload published with the event.


    • eventType: "pending" | "activated" | "fulfilled" | "rejected" | string & {} | "plugin_configured" | "attached" | "annotated" | "aborted" | "cleared" | "invalidated" | "deactivated" | "detached"

      The type of the published event.

    • Optional payload: Payload

      The optional payload associated with the event.

    Returns void

  • Instantly aborts pending execution and rejects the executor with the reason.


    • reason: any

      The reason of failure.

    • Optional settledAt: number

      The timestamp when the reason was acquired.

    Returns void

  • Aborts pending execution and fulfills the executor with the value.

    Note: If value is a promise-like then execute is implicitly called which replaces the task.


    • value: Value | PromiseLike<Value>

      The value.

    • Optional settledAt: number

      The timestamp when the value was acquired. If value is a promise then the timestamp is ignored.

    Returns void

  • Subscribes a listener to events published by the executor.


    • listener: ((event) => void)

      The listener to subscribe.

    Returns (() => void)

    The callback that unsubscribes the listener.

      • (): void
      • Returns void