Interface FieldRendererProps<F>

Properties of the FieldRenderer component.

The rendered field.

interface FieldRendererProps<F> {
    children: ((field: F) => ReactNode);
    eagerlyUpdated?: boolean;
    field: F;
    onChange?: ((value: ValueOf<F>) => void);

Type Parameters


children: ((field: F) => ReactNode)

The render function that receive a rendered field as an argument.

eagerlyUpdated?: boolean

If set to true then FieldRenderer is re-rendered whenever the field itself, its parent fields or descendant fields are updated. If set to false then FieldRenderer re-rendered only if the field was directly changed (updates from parent and descendants are ignored, even if they affect the value of the field).

field: F

The field that triggers re-renders.

onChange?: ((value: ValueOf<F>) => void)

Triggered when the field value received a non-transient update.

Type declaration

    • (value): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void