Interface Event<Data, Plugin>

The event dispatched to subscribers of a field.

interface Event<Data, Plugin> {
    data: Data;
    originField: Field<any, Plugin>;
    targetField: Field<any, Plugin>;
    type: string;

Type Parameters

  • Data = any

    The additional data related to the event.

  • Plugin = any

    The plugin injected into the field.


data: Data

The type-specific data related to the targetField.

originField: Field<any, Plugin>

The field that caused this event to be dispatched onto the targetField.

For example, if a child field value is changed and causes the change event to be dispatched for the parent field as well, then the origin field is the child field for both change events.

targetField: Field<any, Plugin>

The field onto which this event was dispatched.

type: string

The type of the event.