The unique executor key.
The initial executor value that is applied when executor is created by the executor manager.
plugins: (undefined | null | ExecutorPlugin<Value>)[]The array of plugins that are applied to the newly created executor.
The executor associated with the key.
Gets an existing executor or create a new executor using the ExecutorManager.
All hook usages with the same key, return the same Executor instance.
The component is re-rendered when an executor's state is changed. The executor is activated after mount and deactivated before unmount.
The unique executor key.
initialValue: Value | ExecutorTask<Value> | PromiseLike<Value>The initial executor value that is applied when executor is created by the executor manager.
plugins: (undefined | null | ExecutorPlugin<NoInfer<Value>>)[]The array of plugins that are applied to the newly created executor.
The executor associated with the key.
Gets an existing executor or create a new executor using the ExecutorManager.
All hook usages with the same key, return the same Executor instance.
The component is re-rendered when an executor's state is changed. The executor is activated after mount and deactivated before unmount.